Effective today, we are updating our business name to Blackfoot Communications. You may notice a minor change to our logo, updating from simply “Blackfoot” to “Blackfoot Communications.” While the move to Blackfoot Communications is subtle, this will help better identify our business for customers and partners. At Blackfoot Communications, we believe that strong connections matter. […]

The New Blackfoot CommunicationsRead more »

Todd Twete, Director of Carrier Services for Blackfoot Communications recently provided a Guest Column for MSP Insights called “A Wholesale Managed Services Approach: A Must-Have For Rural Telecom Operators During A Pandemic.”  “This emerging trend is especially challenging for smaller and rural telecom operators and their business customers. Where do they get the expertise needed to ensure […]

Guest Column Discusses a Must-Have for Rural Telecom Operators in the PandemicRead more »

Todd Twete, Director of Carrier Services for Blackfoot Communications was recently featured in an Industry Spotlight with Telecom Ramblings to discuss 5G in the rural West. “There is certainly a carrot being dangled about 5G in the market, but when places like Montana and Idaho and other western rural markets will actually see it is a big […]

Blackfoot Carrier Services Talks Rural 5G in Industry SpotlightRead more »

Today, Blackfoot Communications announced the winners of the 2020 Great Give Back. Congratulations to our nonprofit winner, Mission Valley Animal Shelter, and our individual winner, Sally Yarnall from Alberton, Montana! This year was our 6th Annual Great Give Back where Blackfoot awards one local nonprofit with $500 (as voted by our community) and one lucky fan […]

2020 Great Give Back WinnersRead more »

“Having Arvig become a member of the partner network is a strategic addition to the eastern side of our regional footprint. Arvig’s network helps fill a key component for the demand we see for unique and diverse transport routes to the Midwest.” Todd Twete, Director of Carrier Services at Blackfoot Communications Read the full article […]

Arvig Announces Joining a Coalition Network With Blackfoot CommunicationsRead more »