(Missoula, MT) – Today, Blackfoot Communications announced the completion of a project upgrading an aging copper wire network to fiber optic cable. Starting in 2018, the project cost over $11 million, installing over 380 miles of fiber serving nearly 1,000 locations throughout much of the St. Ignatius area. “Families, businesses, and schools in St. Ignatius […]

Blackfoot Communications Celebrates Completion of Fiber Optic Network in St. IgnatiusRead more »

Full scholarships Blackfoot service area teachers Blackfoot Communications was proud to be the premier sponsor of the 25th Annual August Institute hosted by the Western Montana Professional Learning Collaborative.  The fully accredited conference was held at the Missoula College and this year was the highest enrollment to date with more than 250 participants in attendance from across […]

Blackfoot Communications Sponsors 25th Annual August Institute ConferenceRead more »

Blackfoot Communications and Southern Montana Telephone were awarded $11.75 million from the NTIA Middle Mile Grant Program that supports new fiber construction in remote areas. This project adds 137 miles of new ‘middle mile’ fiber, broadband infrastructure that does not connect directly to an end-user location, in Western Montana. The total project cost of nearly […]

Blackfoot Communications Announces Grant Award for High-Speed Fiber Internet Project in Western MontanaRead more »

Cooperative members selected board of trustees and learned about upcoming fiber projects Over 250 members of the Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative gathered in Missoula on April 29 to select a board of trustees, celebrate achievements from the previous year and learn about future fiber projects. “Our annual meeting is a meaningful and important part of how […]

Blackfoot Communications Celebrates Accomplishments at Annual Cooperative MeetingRead more »

Funding will come from Blackfoot Communications and the ConnectMT program April 4, 2023 – Missoula, MT – Blackfoot Communications today announced plans to invest more than $76 million in fiber-based broadband in rural Montana. The investment is being made possible by more than $60 million in ConnectMT grants awarded by the State of Montana with […]

Blackfoot Communications to Invest $76 Million in Fiber-based Broadband in Rural MontanaRead more »

Thursday, March 30, 2023 – Missoula, MT – Blackfoot Communications has announced a new voice solution for small business owners and operators, available immediately. The WiFi-enabled solution includes a voice-over-internet connection service along with a modern phone station and simple self-installation kit, allowing businesses without a technology staff to easily add new phones or replace […]

Blackfoot Communications introduces plug-and-play voice solution for small businessesRead more »