In September 2016, we announced that substantial upgrades were coming to Blackfoot’s broadband network in St. Ignatius. With the planning and engineering now complete, I am happy to report that the construction phase of our network upgrade will begin in May 2017.
We will continue working with Mid-State Consultants on this network upgrade, one of Blackfoot’s trusted and valued partners. Feel free to ask Mid-State engineers questions about the project when you see them working in your community.
Additionally, we’ve included a list of frequently asked questions below that offer more details about this project. If you have any questions, please contact Blackfoot Engineering Supervisor, Jared Jarrett, at 541-5264 or
To learn more about our new products, including premium home voice services with unlimited long distance and high quality Broadband to support multiple devices, please contact our local Customer Care Team at 541-5000.
Jason Williams
Chief Executive Officer
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Blackfoot’s network upgrade project?
Blackfoot currently offers services over a hybrid network of both fiber optic and copper cables. Some of the copper cables have been buried in the ground for more than 30 years, which is near the end of their useful life. These facilities need to be replaced so that we can continue to deliver reliable, high quality services. This project is good network stewardship and ensures that Blackfoot will continue offering high quality voice, data and cloud services to its customers for decades to come.
Will this project impact my current Blackfoot services?
No. This construction project will not interrupt or impact any of your current services or your bill.
Where will you be constructing and when will it begin?
Construction will take place primarily within the city and county road right-of-ways and we plan to start our fiber project in May 2017. Even though Blackfoot has engineered routes directly to your home or business, we will not construct facilities on your property without your prior approval.
Will you be sending out more information about the project?
Yes. Blackfoot plans to keep you informed through letters, town hall style events and other communications in the coming months.
When will new Blackfoot products and services be available?
We have begun offering a series of new packages with experiences unrivaled by other providers in the area. Please contact our local Customer Care Team at 541-5000 to learn which package is right for you.
We want to hear from you!
Blackfoot’s product development team is interested in hearing from our customers regarding the design of new products and services. If there are products and services that you would like to suggest, please email your ideas to If you’d like to have a member of our product development team follow up with you directly, please let us know in your email.